Monday, December 07, 2009

Dec's a month of Birthdays and Weddings

Attended 3 precious hatchdays for 3 precious bubs. Starting from little Javier's full month, followed by babie Megan's birthday. This was followed by boy boy Kayson's first year party last Saturday.

Kayson's super mommie did a pretty bright banner for his big day, with pretty balloons dotting his granny's place. Add in a 2 tier mickey mouse themed birthday cake from Pine Garden and cupcakes, eclairs. The party is complete. Eecck, its not easy having a kid these days. Every little event in their lifes is a significant milestone and requires thoughtful planning by their doting parents. So xiong being a parent!
On the wedding front, moi had a ball of a time catching up with the ex-colleagues at Bro Nic's wedding on Sat. Yah.. i had to rush from baby Kayson's party to the wedding.. but the rush and heffy cab fares was well-spent. I nearly laughed myself silly with the funny recollections by the funny bunch. Tales of the old workplace, jokes on the funny antics of the ex big boss. I laughed so hard that i was tearing at certain points. Its great to be able to poke fun about the drab situation, like the bunch did and i could definitely relate to the tales and parody. I sure miss erm, especially mel and mdm R. This is probably the one wedding whereby the boisterous company made it utterly enjoyable and fun. 2 more weddings to go for the month! I love the fast paced holidayness of December. :)

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