Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Price of Beauty

Guess wat i did? Yup.. I went to have those tiny bits of black dots removed.. the lady at the salon seemde quite nice.. she was telling me wat all the black dots represent.. a bit zen and quite like a fortunte-telling session.. it still hurts a fair bit when she uses the needle to poke at my face.. trying to get the cream in.. afterwhile my face was pretty red for quite a while.. the whole thing was rather fast.. slightly over half an hour and I'm done with the treatment.. although it did burn a deep hole in my pockets.. and i walked out wif spots of whit cream shattered all over my face.. think I must have scared quite a number of people who met me.. and poor ck.. who had to put up with my freaky face..

oh .. that is just the begining man.. the next day i had to work ( oh.. i really wanted to take urgent leave..) .. the white cream has washed off and now my black spots.. have become even bigger black spots.. and i looked like i had just recovered from a blot of chicken pox.. oh.. think i gave my boss quite a shock when i talked to him about something.. he kinda went black for a while... oh.... and now.. as i seat typing this... my face is covered wif cream.. hoping that the burn spots will go away..... keep my fingers crossed.. otherwise you will soon see a gal walking to ya wif great black spots on her face... so ugly.. yucks.. think i am freaking myself out too... am.. my mum still dosen't noe about it...oh... god bless..

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