Monday, February 15, 2010

2nd Day of this New Year

The dearie's up bright and early to start work today. So moi kinda slack the day away, while waiting for him to return home. Cooked some noodles for lunch with the leftover hotpot ingredients and watch tons of tv.. including 2 episodes of gossip girl season 2. Had wanted to do some work and check some office mails with the spare time, but was too lazy ah.
The dearie managed to get off work at about 4 plus and we had time to catch a movie. Yup, a no brainer feel good valentine's day move called "Valentine's Day". A show about couples dating and breaking up and patching back. Featuring an ensemble of big hollywood names like Jessica Alba, Julia Roberts, and the 2 Taylors. Delighted that we actually caught a movie, and a feel-good one at that. We din celebrate Valentine's Day this year, with all the Chinese New Year hoo ha.. and the depleting coffers.. so its great to be able to watch a show on luv for some romantic trappings :)

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