Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just the Worker Bee

I had dinner with the ex-colleagues last friday. The ex-asst mgr gave a treat and he invited moi. Before some of them came, i had time for a quick catch up with the 2 dear colleagues. I so miss them, for they made staying at the old place fun!
I was also duly reminded of the very reasons why i left the work place and why i should be grateful that the new place provides moi with the very factors i was looking for. Like no or veri little customer interface, no operations with need to deploy loads of staff to man the counters. Being able to take long weekends without guilt and being able to eat out for lunch with the whole unit. Being able to go for training and no needing to do shift in the long run basis. Factors which were missing from the old job that I was so determined to find elsewhere. That were definitely push factors while the pull factors was a chance at doing a portfolio i've always wanted.
Yet, intrinsically i am at times nostalgic about the old organisation and the work which is a tad more dynamic in nature. But i've come to realise that there is no perfect workplace. Its a matter of adjusting your mentality and moving on if you believe there is a better organisation and culture out there.
The new workplace is indeed no where perfect. Errors in the handling of matters at the workplace, are reflective of the underlying problems of high attrition and lack of proper procedures and hand-over. I am only afraid of the implications of the errors when correlated with performance and rewards.
Yet, for me, the new workplace is not as bad as the I have guessed. Its just that one has limited memories.. or rather, awareness fades with the passage of time. Hence, i dun wanna forgot the very factors which propelled the switch.. as one gets more familiar with the new place and the little bits starts to erode the old memories. The complacency and smugness sets in..
Anyways, i'm not looking for a promotion or anything on the radar.. my goal was to give myself 2 years to build up the i guess, just do the job like a true blue worker bee. Although there is no big honey pot at the end of the rainbow, at least the little pot of honey is good enough for daily living. For having that little pot, already is a blessing in itself yah.

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