Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wonderfully Valentine's

Just felt like thanking my Jing, who made valentine's so sweet and momerable. I appreciate the effort.. although he constantly tells me he is a non-romantic person.. i see the effort.. i really do.. and love the beautiful roses .. pink and purple..and the lovely words on the card. The wonderful dinner at Chimes.. surrounded by soft Candle lights, music, alfesco styled ..slipping Sangria and glazing at him.. life can be so surreal.
Thanks thanks Boy.. for being there for me.. for cheering me up when I am down, for making me laugh and for thinking the world of me.. Only you do.. for I am just an ordinary gal who also happens to be rather lazy.. a slacker and great procrastinator. I promise, in 2006, to to less lazy and I will get down to buying your V.Day gift. Blue Donkey sits by my bedside table.. keeping me comfort in the nights.
March is indeed tiring... being at C. Room and having to deploy so many staff..and having to report to work super early.. A month where my kakis at work will start their second posting.. So hectic.. so many changes... but I look forward to watching "Army Daze" at National Library soon.. and the corporate movie screening.. Plus.. I really must not slack my whole off days away.. I promise.. to fill my life with more forfilling activities. yah?!

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