Tuesday, December 07, 2004

fortune telling anyone?

Recalled that recently I was at MOS Burger wif my friend when a stranger came up to him and offered to read his fate..this chinaman who started looking at my friend's face..he went like this"..I have a secret that I want to share wif you today..".. being the nice friend that I am..hee..i just stood by while he was being conned by the obviously bogus fortune teller..hmm..(wonder when my friend will start disowning me?!)..and i remembered being appalled that my rational friend would believe in something so unscientific and totally vague, untrue,inaccurate..until one fine day when my colleague brought her set of tarot cards to class and started being the friendly class fortunte teller..silly old me could not resist temptation and joined in the fun..hmm..I was asking abt Love..and when the cards revealled a less than wonderful prediction..my heart sank..and i remembered being quite affected by her words for the whole day..although I kept telling myself that it's probably not true..and that I am in control of my fate..hee..just thats the funny part abt the future and the lure of having a peek into it..is its uncertainity and our own desire for certainity that causes us to be so affected by it i guess..hee..so will you have your fortune told?

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