Monday, March 15, 2010

Dearie Cooks Dinner

Sun-Dried Tomato Pasta and Lobster Bisque

Hotdog with Italian Sausage

The dearie got home an hour before moi. He got down to cooking dinner. We had planned to do a simple Italian Hotdog meal with lobster bisque ( from a can lah!). However, the dear one was afraid that wifey would be hungry. So he did a pasta with sun dried tomato and poached prawns (weird combi huh) as well.. Hee i simply adore anything with sun-dried tomatoes. I can eat it just by itself.. *Slurp*

I'm been particularly hungry this whole day.. gobbled down my fishball noodles for lunch and had biscuits and choco for tea. Its been a decadent food day today.. so not very good for the diet plan. *Gluup*

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