Sunday, November 22, 2009

Went House Hopping

Both Moi and Agnes now stays in the East side while the rest of the Sec School Kakis are West-siders. And we both moved into our new homes recently (well.. one year is not so recent for moi ). So, the Sec School Kakis did a house hopping event yesterday as a form of 'House Warning' for us.
We started off in the afternoon at my place. Phews.. was so rushing to make the homeland presentable and barely made it. Ryan and XiaoHe brought their galfriends while Qian brought her baby twins, complete with husband and helper. Yup, so it was a rather big group. They stayed a short while... its an awkward timing to serve food, so i only served Rojak and drinks. opps. Moi is not a very good host.
We trooped over to Agnes' place for dinner. I quite like her new place. Glossy and well-designed, quite different from the clean-cut look of the homeland. Agnes ordered some pizza and roasted some chix wings. She also did a yums mash potato, honey baked ham, salad and garlic bread. Great hosting food ideas. Hee.
We stayed later and played Monopoly! Feels wonderful to be playing the childhood board game after so so long. The whoosing high of buying land and building your own property empire!! The constant fear of landing on a street full of hotels and bankrupting oneself in a spin. A sorta make believe Donald Trump. Moi din make a good property tycoon..Agnes won, with Ryan's date in second placing. So gotta buy a set of the game for the homeland.

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