Golly, have finally heralded in the year of the Tiger. The frenzy last minute shopping for clothes and cleaning of the house. And the 2 steamboat reunion dinners on friday and saturday (the day before the eve of CNY and the eve). Its because the dearie's family eats a day earlier. Its the same type of hotpot ingredients which the mother-in-law prepares. Homemade fishballs, cut fish,pork,beef slices, prawns and other wat nots. The dearie's grandma and little uncle joins us for this meal. So much food huh.
This is followed a reunion dinner at my place on the actual CNY eve itself. With my folks and the in-laws. There's only the brother and mommie at my side, while the in-laws are alone if the dearie eats with my family. The win-win situation, is to have both families together. My mother-in-law prepares the bulk of the steamboat items (almost same items as the day before) while I got some extra vegs. This year, the mommie got some mini lobsters and a plate of homemade yummy yu sheng which her friend made for her. I really luv auntie Pat's yu sheng. She adds in mango slices and fried yum sticks which gave the yu sheng an extra 'something' which is missing from store brought ones. So we did a lo hei that day, the first lo hei of the year. So much food again.
fishballs, roast duck, chicken, vegs,prawns
mini boiled lobsters
Yu Sheng-'Huat" ah!!
On the first day,or chu yi, we went to visit the dearie's relatives. The tradition of the dearie's family is to have a vegetarian breakfast ( while mine is to have mee sua), so we gathered at the in-law's place and hopped to the other aunties and uncle place as the day progresses. We managed to visit my mommie's place in the late afternoon. I think we had like four meals that day.. breakie at the in-laws, noodles at the third auntie's place, mee sua at mommie's place and dinner at the third uncle's place. *Glup* I cannot even bear to think of all the food and tibits I've eaten the past few days. Yup, we're done with the CNY visiting after the first day.
Strangly, I don't feel as much for this festival as I do for Christmas season but I so enjoy the free days before work starts again, Opps.
Happy Chinese New Year........ :)
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