Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The mystery of the missing work pass

Sleepy eyed.. i walked into the lobby of the office building this morning.. And was jotted awake trying to find my work pass. Gosh!
I almost flipped over my entire bag. Hard as I tried, I could not find my work pass! so i had to change a visitor pass and was in 2 minds about it the whole day trying to figure out the whereabouts of the missing pass.. worried that i had to report the pass as lost and shelling out monies for a replacement. Plus the inconvenience of using a visitor pass.. *Glurp*
So this silly donkey rushed home after work.. hoping that the elusive missing pass would turn out somewhere. It did!!! *Phews*
Guess where the missing work pass is? caught in between the pages of the copy of the free newspaper i pick up yesterday. I had tossed the paper aside upon reaching home. The pass was just in between the pages of the paper. Aiz.. Silly old moi. *heaves a great sign of relieve*

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