Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mis-Spelling Queen

Hee, I'm such a mis-spelling queen that my General paper teacher onced asked moi if i had dyslexia, in front of the whole class not less.. its really a wonder that i managed to pass GP.. ;p Which is the reason why is on my list of favourites at work. Besides, the "word of the day" link, provides a great way to learn one new word per day..
I truly heart the day i discovered the site, and microsoft word for the spell check function.. is my saving grace in english..What i usually do for words i can't spell, i will do a rough spell of the word in and the correct spelling will pop up..although sometimes i forget to double check..;p ( well, i suspect i'm not suffering from dyslexia.. but simply too lazy to memorize spelling..opps).. Hee, thanks to the kind soul who pointed out the glaring mis-spelling which i have just corrected.. ;p

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