- The shop assistant asked: " Have you been here before"
- Moi: "Yes.. many many years ago"
- Shop Assistant: " I can try to trace the old records if you give me the address"
- Moi: " I have since moved.. its many many years ago..you can try this address ..xxxyyxx (ie old address)
- Shop Assistant , after finding for a short while: "Yes.. I found your old records.. it states that your last visit was in 1993"
- Moi:.. "wha.. thats like 16 years ago.."
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
20 years of Medical Record
Porcupine Moi
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Our first attempt at Steak
Indulging with the Gal Pals
Its not often that I have such a long leisure break from working.. so the lazy moi actually organized gatherings with the friends that i hold dear. Those who noes me well will understand that lazy lazy moi is neber the organizer for meet ups, often.. its the rest who comes up with the gatherings.. Weell, its my first long break in years.. so..i'm veri free, and wanna indulge abit with my best gal pals before chonging at the new work place. So.. its buffet galore the past 2 days.. ;p
Met up with Fen on friday for our outing to Rose Veranda at Shangrila hotel, weekday high tea. The place has 102 tea selections.. the tea lover moi is in tea haven..ha..We had the high tea buffet.. The savoury food selection was rather limited, although i did enjoy the sushi. I was so stuffed with the savoury choices that i could barely managed with the selection at the dessert bar. But, high tea is about scones and baked items.. especially with the great selection of teas available. I started with a wellness tea called " life and beauty" and Fen Fen had the Pai Mu Tan with Melon. We ended the meal with a sweet fruit infusion tea called "sweet kisses" which had notes of strawberries. I liked Fen's Pai Mu Tan tea veri much.. it really had a faint smell of melons..
Just heart the pretty tea set
Fen was saying that we would need to go back 50 times to finish trying out the entire selection of teas!! Its a nice place to seat and enjoy high tea with its pretty france-made teapots and teacups. My only regret was that i got quite sick towards the end of the meal with a headache, so i din make a good chat partner for Fen and we din manage to "walk walk" at Ion. Ha.. gives me good reason to return again for more high tea, although i like the high tea at Goodwood Park Hotel's L'Espresso a tad better.
My dessert selection
Jinny brought her hubby and baby Kayson.. He's so cutez that we gals had a great time going ga ga over him..or rather Han was going ga ga.. while Hui and I were more sane..opps. The food selection was extensive and of good quality..well worth the moolah, considering the exorbitant ala carte prices. I will definitely be back for more of the buffet.. in time to come.
Din managed to get a good pic of the buffet..
For moi has had enough of buffets to last me for some time. Too stuffed..Great food and great company. What more can one ask for?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Mis-Spelling Queen
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Baking Blueberry Muffins
Wet and Dry Ingredients
New Watch..First one of this year.
I heart the rose gold against the brown leather
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day out to Liang Court
The riverside at Clark Quay looks picturesque with the bright colours on the buildings..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Another weekend gone..

On Sat, the dearie also rustled up some pasta for our lunch.. the man can cook.. he makes me feel so guilty..i should be the one cooking for him.. Our pasta served with the mummy-in-law's home made norh hiong .. a kinda fusion meal to start the day..
IKea staple: meatballs, fried chix wings and drumstick set..
On Sunday: The mummie can over and we did late lunch at one of the hawker centres near the homeland before she left for her mj session nearby. had abit of shocking yet not totally unexpected piece of news. I guess.. everyone has their own lives to lead.. some follow the well taken path, others venture further out.. all by choice.. so who's to judge and be stereo-typical? One can't stop worrying though.. although the dearie feels that "what will be will be". We all have our lives, which we try to live, to the best of our abilities. It is a different society we live in now..*Fingers crossed, big time.. for the little boy*
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Lunch with Mummie
Hearting the new phone..
New and Old Phone. Goodbye my trusty Nokia.
New Phone..With my pretty angel
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Material Being
Monday, July 13, 2009
Cable's Back
Our Groceries delivered
Items unpacked..
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Weekend's Here

Friday, July 10, 2009
My Gossip Girl

The week's almost gone in a twinkle. Have read some books. More Books to go. Would probably add to the repertoire. Have watched a tv series. More dramas to be popped into the disc player. Been blogging a bit. The daily reading list of blogs have been expanding. Still kicking myself for not grabbing the Antique Rose Mabel Mulberry Bag that was so so heavy discounted when i had the chance to. Still wondering whether the postman will bring good tidings, still so unsettled and uncertain about the future. Still nursing the health. Still surfing the web. Still trying to eat healthy. Still saving up for the big ticket purchases. Still being just me. Just loving the "Me time".
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Grocery Shopping Online
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
The Wifey Cooks
Another Pair into the Shoe Closet
Monday, July 06, 2009
The Dearie Frets
Friday, July 03, 2009
Wanderlust- Macau & Zhuhai

Wan Zai Seafood Street
After a hearty meal, we went to the Gongbei underground mall which is just next to the Macau-Zhuhai Borders for some retail therapy.
GongBei Underground Mall
We had drinks at an atas cafe called Cafe E.S.Kimo at the underground mall before departing Zhuhai.
Day 3- We explored Macau town and enjoyed the view from Macau Tower. Also went to Largo do Senado, which is the Macau downtown with its shops and cafes.
Largo do Senado
Enjoying Steamed Milk Pudding at one of the cafes at Largo do Senado
Iconic Macau Landmark at Largo do Senado

Signature Portuguese dishes like Bacalhau. Portions are huge and great for sharing
Hee hee, and of course, no overseas trip is complete without the requisite shopping. Better that spending the moo-lah on the reels rightz?. So tadah, my purchases..or rather, the only items i could afford coz everything else was so expensive in the touristy resort. My only regret was not having time to explore the supermarkets for items not available in Singapore due to the busy schedule. A must do for all my travels,yah.. Oh, and not having time to queue for Pork Cutlet burger from the famous Lord Stow's Bakery ; which is just by our hotel.. ;p
Till the next trip.. yah........