Just back from my cruise.. tis 4 days of eating and eating.. and slacking.. yummy local food at Penang.. shopping at central festival in Phuket.. for that 4 days, real life fades , together with the worries of work.. time seems suspended.. and leisure becomes the norm..
travel is an escape from established patterns and you rediscover yourself in the process.. somtimes.. you discover that life can be so simple.. and so simple are the happy things in life.. afterall.. everyone wants to be happy..
i suppose i will be a happie happie gal if i learn to not be so harsh on judging myself for every little mistake that i make.. to learn that its actually all right to be yourself.. tis hard.. sometimes to break away from the confines imposed upon you by society.. and life is present day singapore.. is all about climbing the social ladder, getting a good job.. stablity.. establishing a career.. it seems your life is already mapped from birth..and its scary.. how we are part of our social group.. of our generation.. exibiting the same traits.. chasing after the same thing.. Something knocked into us by the education system here? would i be happie being one of those still buried their work after dusk..? i dunnoe..
perhaps i am disheartened.. by the tough requirements of the work place.. a piece of work you submit.. suddenly becomes the focal point.. just because the project has been shortlisted to represent the dept.. and suddenly you get attention from all the big shots.. and everyone wants to add in their opinions and wat not.. on how to improve the project.. when previously it was a forgone conclusion the the project was unlikely to be selected..amd it was a neglected piece of submission.. now its a prestigious thingy and everyone wans us to do our best..
guess i dun take constructive comments easily although i noe i din put in my all on the project..guess i'm afraid to be judged and found lacking.. maybe i really lack the ability to produce fine work.. i dun feel the passion as i use to, in writing my team papers.. perhaps i should develope passion for my work.. perhaps its just me..to be judged as lacking the ability.. or perhaps....... i am my own biggest judge? for i ponder too much over all areas in which i have not done well..over reflect?!
oh well......... enough rumblings.. if i dun live to work but work to live.. whose's to judge me on my short comings? am i a far less better person if i dun climb the corporate ladder or take eeyons to do so? ha ha.. perhaps i am just not running the right race.. for security is def not my forte..
ha ha.. i wanna travel again.. to escape again.. maybe to somewhere else in S.E.A.. where lifes are simpler.. without the complexities that comes with developement.. ;p
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Allo 26!!
29th sept..the removal of the little red dot took ten mins.. after the jab i kinda feel nothing.. although i could hear the swlinging of the electric knife cutting at my flash.. the entire surgery was kindda fast and surreal.. my first operation and it was over in a jiffy.. in rectrospect.. the waiting was worse than the actual event.. and i was up and shopping immediately.. splurged on 2 pairs of shoes.. my treat to me self for having survived.. and out tim sum at crystal jade was is good old soul food.. yum.. my chix craws and bittergruad with salted eagg yolks.. lifes great with the removal of the lump .. oh... actually is was more tramatic for my loved ones lah..
had a great time these past few days.. 27th sept.. gelato and pasta at menotti.. forbidden city at esplande.. hee.. jo was great as part of the cast.. i was kindda restless in the first half of the show.. but totally absorb into the story of a concubine who eventually rose to rule china.. my first show atthe esplande.. thanks to the dear one.. his poor pockets are badly burned these past few days.. can't imagine the credit card bills next month..
.. 28th sept.. had dinner with the gals at Aerin's.. the resturant by White Bait and kale's owners.. luved the salad of rocket with sun-dried tomatos and cheese with balsamic vinger dressing.. yummy.. and the mazze platter was nice too.. although my main course of grilled beef with pita bread could have been better.. the mudpie was sinful indulgence..and we blow $150 on the meal.. cheaper than whitebait.. i guess.. catching up with the gals was fun..
.. 30th.. hello 26 and goodbye 25.. its scarey actually.. noeing that the numbers between 30 and 26 are smaller than 25.....the dear naughty boy give me a preszzie.. an anklet.. so pretty with tiny hearts.. woke up late and went shopping.. and dearie treated moi to sizzlers.. hee.. and lots more along the way.. its was a happya day.. work is the furthest thing from my mind these past few days.. yipee...
.. today... the gals came by to visit the post surgery moi.. hee.. aparently i'm a patient newly recoverd.. and they got me fish tonic.. so touched.. and hui's bow tie pasta with cream sauce, porto bello mushrooms was good..hee.. its heart-warming having so many pple who cares abt me..had treat from mum and bro.. and mum's present was a transparent pair of specs.. hope i look good in my new specs.. opps.. its back to work tom.. and worries that i've over indulged for the past few days.. need to lost weight liao.. :)
had a great time these past few days.. 27th sept.. gelato and pasta at menotti.. forbidden city at esplande.. hee.. jo was great as part of the cast.. i was kindda restless in the first half of the show.. but totally absorb into the story of a concubine who eventually rose to rule china.. my first show atthe esplande.. thanks to the dear one.. his poor pockets are badly burned these past few days.. can't imagine the credit card bills next month..
.. 28th sept.. had dinner with the gals at Aerin's.. the resturant by White Bait and kale's owners.. luved the salad of rocket with sun-dried tomatos and cheese with balsamic vinger dressing.. yummy.. and the mazze platter was nice too.. although my main course of grilled beef with pita bread could have been better.. the mudpie was sinful indulgence..and we blow $150 on the meal.. cheaper than whitebait.. i guess.. catching up with the gals was fun..
.. 30th.. hello 26 and goodbye 25.. its scarey actually.. noeing that the numbers between 30 and 26 are smaller than 25.....the dear naughty boy give me a preszzie.. an anklet.. so pretty with tiny hearts.. woke up late and went shopping.. and dearie treated moi to sizzlers.. hee.. and lots more along the way.. its was a happya day.. work is the furthest thing from my mind these past few days.. yipee...
.. today... the gals came by to visit the post surgery moi.. hee.. aparently i'm a patient newly recoverd.. and they got me fish tonic.. so touched.. and hui's bow tie pasta with cream sauce, porto bello mushrooms was good..hee.. its heart-warming having so many pple who cares abt me..had treat from mum and bro.. and mum's present was a transparent pair of specs.. hope i look good in my new specs.. opps.. its back to work tom.. and worries that i've over indulged for the past few days.. need to lost weight liao.. :)
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