A year has passed. So very fast.
2009 in summary? It was a year of change. The year moi changed jobs, taking a pay cut to do a new portfolio. It was a long wait for the switch. But I'm glad I did. Although I still feel nostalgic about the old work organisation. After all, I've been there for nearly 5 years. I cannot imagine moi self being at the new place for the next 5 years. Will see how it goes. One thing for sure, the work life journey is a long one.. so its alright to take breaks along the way. Work days passes.. Mondays leads to Wednesdays to Fridays. And the weeks fly by. Before you noe it, a year has passed huh. I'm so used to being busy during the holidays which is peak at the old workplace. At the new place, at least I can plan for long weekends and getaways if I wanna. Yes, I will in the year to come.
Have been lazy, not meeting up often with the mommie due to the distance. Its a guilt that eats at moi. So, I'll do more family gatherings and do some cooking in the process. Outings with the mommie. Plus meet ups with the gal pals for high teas and wat nots.
For the travel tally is sadly dismal. Only went to Penang in early 2009, went for a cruise to Penang and Thailand with the family, another family trip to Macau in July and 2 family trips to Malaysia. Its great to travel on short trips, but it would be more ideal to have a longer get-away a year. Yes, a longer trip and a few more short get-aways please.
Being eating way to much, too unhealthily for the past year. The weight seems to have stuck. Not used to the fatty moi, so the pics get lesser, and moi a tad depressed and reclusive. So, I will eat more healthy, and hopefully fit into smaller sized clothes. Plus, throw in abit of excise as well. Hah..
On the wealth aspect, still lacking in the savings part. The moolah is still tied in investments. Although I've finally gotten down to increasing the financial portfolio bit by bit. Not much liquid savings on hand, so need to save more. Live more frugally. I was kinda amazed that a friend of the dearie has x amount of liquid assets purely for investments. Thats like so many times more than moi. I believe its time to rethink the excessive splurging. After all, I wanna retire at 55 with revenue generating assets if i get to live that long.
Yup, its a similar kind of year that has passed in 2009. Still finding my calling career wise. Still neglecting the usual components. Hope this changes in 2010 for this silly donkey.