Lovely ice cream cake
Chix drumstick before roasting
Pretty in Pink
Oh, and i really heart the pretties gift the babes got moi.. can't believe moi is turning 29 in a few days time. 9, the last year of my glorious 20s.. urrghh.
A chronology of the Donkey and Baby's life
Lovely ice cream cake
Chix drumstick before roasting
Pretty in Pink
Oh, and i really heart the pretties gift the babes got moi.. can't believe moi is turning 29 in a few days time. 9, the last year of my glorious 20s.. urrghh.
Chicken marinated with lemon zest, salt, pepper, honey, and thyme
Oh well, so i replaced the rosemary with thyme instead as i had a bottle of it in the kitchen and hoped that the substitute would work as well. I also added a bit of honey to the marinate. The chicken was marinated for a few hours before it was popped into the oven for roasting.
Potatoes to be roasted with the chicken
Potatoes tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper was placed under the chicken. The entire roasting process took about 80 mins but the finished product was well worth the wait.
Into the oven this goes...
Wifey's roasted chicken, with slightly burned skin.. opps
Overall, the roasted chicken was rather yums. The dearie rates it as a good attempt by the wifey.. which can be further fine-tuned for serving guests. The top part of the roast (chix skin) was a tad over done, but the meat was great. Even the breast meat was juicy, and very tender. The potatoes were quite burnt.. so i would probably twig the cooking time and remove the potatoes from the pan after the first flipping of the chicken. Hee, can't wait to try the recipe a second time, with rosemary instead.. :)
The family enjoys traditional Teochew cuisine, and a favourite restaurant which we usually troop to for festive occasions would be SWA Garden Restaurant. The food is traditional, with an old world charm which is lacking from modern restaurants. The place itself looks like the 60s.. but the place is full to the brim with patrons on the weekends. Reservations are a must. I have been duly induced into the wonders of Teochew food upon joining the family. I must say, the food's great.. especially the cold crab.. fresh steamed fish, goose and the "Orh Ni" or Yam Paste with Pumpkin. The food's best eaten with family. Yums.. just like the meal tonight which is so typical of family outings to the restaurant, or any other good restaurants that does Teochew cuisine.